JClub Catholic Book Fair: the Pauline solution for Catholic educators who want to provide good Catholic content to their students!

Everyday Grace: When Prayer Is Difficult

Everyday Grace: When Prayer Is Difficult

The truth is, sometimes we just don’t feel like praying. Maybe we don’t believe that our prayers are being answered. Maybe something has happened that has shaken our faith. Maybe we just don’t know what to say…or do.

How can you get your prayer life back on track?

  • Use short prayers. God really just wants you to talk to him. Maybe you’re putting it off because you don’t have a lot of time to spend. Try talking to God as if he were standing right beside you… because, no matter what’s happening, that’s exactly where he is!
  • Use a prayer app. Blessed James Alberione, our founder, urged us take advantage of every new kind of media. You can use technology to pray more frequently—and you can do it anyplace you can take your phone. PrayerMate is one such app, but explore them all and see what suits you.
  • Pray with the saints. Jesus himself gave us the best prayer of all: the Our Father. But you can also say the Hail Mary, or any of a plethora of prayers offered by the saints. As long as your intentions are clear, the words don’t have to be your own.

You’ve no doubt experienced times when prayer came easily to you, but usually that’s not the case! No matter what is going on in your life, prayer will help. Why not try jump-starting your own prayer life today with these simple steps?





