JClub Catholic Book Fair: the Pauline solution for Catholic educators who want to provide good Catholic content to their students!

Finding Hope in the New Year

Finding Hope in the New Year

For many if not most people, 2017 was a year of trials, disasters, and fear, and many of us find it difficult to perceive much change in the new year. But as Christians, we are called to be a people of hope, and there are things that we can do to bring more light to ourselves and to those around us! 

  • In 2018, let's open up to #aNewBeginningWithJesus. If you start every day with a quick prayer, then you’ve changed the whole day already! 

  • Don’t look for the pain. It’s all around us, and it can be overwhelming. Make it a point every day to look for the joy in the world and in your life. It’s there! 

  • Get over yourself. The best way to find hope is to give it. Volunteer to do something in your parish or community. There is always someone who needs you! 

Remember that we are not the first ones to face difficult times, and nor are we alone. Jesus is with us, every day, every step, and our hope is built on his promises and his love. 2018 can be a year of celebration of God’s work in the world—if we make it happen! 




